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If you are relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area or the Miami Area, please contact me so I can help you to find the right property for you.

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 Tel: 415/491-4880

Real estate activity report:

The real estate market works in cycles; in my personal opinion I believe that we are getting to the top of the market. Prices can not continue going up forever so we might be heading for a correction. If you are not sure about selling I would like you to consider it now. I have been seen a lot of price reductions but one particular characteristics of the real estate is that each market is different and localized.

Fairbank Realty Group

Are you moving to the Bay Area and have some questions? Please contact us and we will help you.

  • How much should you pay for the property?
  • What will your monthly mortgage payment be?
  • How good is the school district?